Memorial Day flag planting

DALL·E 2024-02-28 12.27.52 - Pencil drawing on a pure white background depicting a solemn scene. An American flag is displayed at half-staff, symbolizing respect, mourning, or tri

When and Where

When: May 19, 2024
Timeline: 9:30 am — 12:00 pm

Location: Greenwood Cemetery (5th Ave and 25th St)

We will continue our annual tradition of personally honoring those veterans who rest at Greenwood Cemetery by placing flags at their graves one week prior to Memorial Day, to beat the crowd and maximize our impact.

This is the perfect event to honor the fallen and do service to our community. 

You need to be prepared for the circumstances that might arise. One year, it rained throughout - bring rain gear. However, the forecast looks perfect. The ground and grass will be wet. Wear waterproof footwear. Another year, it was very warm - bring liquids. It's fine to wear Class B this time.

Everyone is free to come and help out.

Breakfast - At 9:30, bagel breakfast (with butter, cream cheese, and PB&J) will be served to give you the necessary energy. Will be provided by SHELSKY'S!

Location - To the left just beyond the entrance

Transportation - Please self-organize carpooling. There are plenty of drivers coming. 

Donations - We need help in procuring flags for this service project. It's money well spent. 




Last updated on May 18, 2024